In eras gone by, the barber shop was the place where men went to hear gossip, catch up on town news, and get a shave and a haircut, usually for two cents. By the same token, salons used to be the domain of women, where they went to catch up on town news, get the latest gossip on their neighbors, and to have their hair curled and dyed.
Today, whether it’s putting weather seal on the outside of the salon or barber shop or ordering salon chairs and equipment from Keller International (not to be confused with Helen Keller International’s work on malnutrition), the barber shop and the hair salon have pretty much become the same thing. Men and women go to either, though there are still barber shops and salons to be had in almost every city. Have you ever wondered what the true difference was between the two? Read on below to find out the differences between a salon and a barber shop.
The Tools
The major difference between barber shops and salons is the tools that they use. Most barbers make frequent use of clippers, while the stylist at your hair salon uses scissors instead. Both the barber and the salon stylists are required to have different certifications in order to do the job that they do.
For example, a barber school doesn’t teach scissor work while a cosmetology school does. Cosmetology schools also don’t cover the use of clippers, which is what is usually used to cut a man’s hair. It is possible to have a mixture of both, according to your hair type, of course. You can visit the salon after having your hair cut at the local shop to have your hair trimmed by scissors on the sides or vice a versa.
The one thing that these shops do have in common is the need for improvements to the shops they own. You want to ensure that your shop is up to whatever type of weather your area in the United States can throw at you. You can do this by contacting All-Weather Seal to take care of weather-proofing your shop, no matter what type of hair-cutting place you run. You can check out their BBB business profile and see that All-Weather Seal has been serving the public in areas of the United States for almost 40 years. The reputable contractors can help with your improvement and weather seal needs as well.
The Atmosphere
The atmosphere of these two shops tends to be different as well. Most barbershops, as in the past, are kind of a gathering place to have your hair cut, a shave, and to catch up with others who are there to get the same. In most cases, you don’t have to make an appointment to visit a barbershop. A salon, while they can be laid back and a place to visit with friends, seems to be more structured and most of the time you do have to have an appointment to get your hair styled and cut or anything else you want to have done.
One thing both a barbershop and a salon have in common is the need for equipment. You should check out the BBB profile of Keller International and then order your chairs and other supplies from them as well. Keller International carries chairs, salon stations, manicure tables, and even pedicure chairs. Besides their business profile on the BBB, a quick online search will show you that Keller International has great reviews across the board and will have your clients feeling great as they get their hair done.
These are just a few of the differences between barbershops and salons. With any of these shops however, you can contact Keller for deliveries of equipment and All-Weather Seal for improvements so you can be sure that your shop is ready to face whatever season you’re heading into.