Anxiety can put a huge damper on your career goals, quality of life, relationships, and ability to work up to your potential. If you’re someone who suffers from an anxiety disorder, it’s likely you know just how challenging it can be to show off your leadership skills or work with new team members when your anxiety isn’t under control. The good news is that you’re far from alone, and there are ways to improve your confidence, manage your anxiety issues, and become a strong leader in spite of your anxiety. For some ways to look at how your anxiety might be impacting your career and what you can do about it, read on.
Improve your confidence.
Many people experience anxiety in their careers simply due to a lack of confidence. Even someone with years of experience in their field can feel weakness around public speaking, social skills, team building, asserting themselves, and more. If you’re someone who experiences anxiety when it comes to your job, it might be time to work on your confidence through leadership training programs that can give high potential employees leadership abilities they can apply to the real world. While working on your self-esteem might be out of your comfort zone, attending an executive leadership program and learning management theories could be enough to improve your team productivity and give you the management skills and competitive edge that add up to less anxiety overall. In other words, if what’s holding you back is fear over your ability to lead or follow at your job, extra training could really help.
Reach out to the professionals.
Self-confidence might not be enough to help with severe anxiety. If you’re struggling with behaviors and need insight into skills that can help with skills of daily living or if the idea of a leadership program feels too hard right now, it could be a good idea to reach out to professionals for individual therapy. Places like Therapy Group of Charlotte can offer cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you build skills to manage your anxiety with or without medications. Not only will these skills help you to feel less anxious, but they can change your mindset when it comes to what you believe you are capable of at work. That is, therapists can help you to make positive behavior changes and learn to think differently about yourself as a business person. This will add up to success.
Know that you aren’t alone.
In an unconventional time period, more people than ever are reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression. Sometimes, knowing you aren’t alone is enough to help with anxiety. In reality, it’s normal to feel anxious about changes, a shaky political climate, and uncertain times. If you’re someone who feels comforted by knowing you aren’t alone, it could be a good idea to reach out to a therapist to ask about group sessions where you can get group therapy with others who feel the same stress.
Pace yourself.
Finding a healthy balance between work and self-care can be a challenge. No matter how you plan to tackle anxious feelings, racing thoughts, and bouncing moods, it’s a good idea to take it slow. Your anxiety didn’t come on in a day. Give yourself permission to have good days and bad as you work through your recovery from chronic anxiety. Change may come in baby steps, but that’s most often when it sticks. In the end, whether you join an empowerment group to learn skills for a more meaningful life, attend group sessions on self-esteem, become a member of a support group, or seek an individual therapist to help you work through your anxiety, the best thing you can do is start now. A quick Google search for counseling services in your area could be the best thing you do for yourself, and you deserve it. Begin today in taking control of not only your career but your mental health.