There are hundreds of car accidents in the United States every day, ranging from minor fender benders to severe crashes causing death. Automobile accidents include single-vehicle accidents, vehicles striking pedestrians, and crashes with multiple vehicles.
Car accidents can cause property damage, physical injuries, and mental trauma. If you’re one of the three million Americans injured in an automobile accident each year, taking these crucial steps after you’ve been in an accident will ensure you receive the care you need to address your injuries.
Review your insurance policy.
Your insurance will cover the cost of vehicle repairs and may even replace damaged items inside your vehicle if you have comprehensive car insurance. Comprehensive coverage applies to almost all accidents. Your insurance company won’t authorize claims if you were intoxicated, had an overloaded vehicle, or allowed an unlicensed driver to use your car. Once you confirm you qualify for a claim, you pay a deductible, and your insurance covers the remaining costs. Your insurance policy may also cover your medical costs. It’s crucial to talk to your insurance company and confirm what compensation you can receive.
Take your pain and potential injuries seriously.
There are several severe injuries you can incur in an automobile accident. Whether you’ve developed back pain after a motorcycle accident or have whiplash, you should seek medical care immediately. Back pain could indicate you have a spinal cord injury. A herniated disc could cause paralysis, and you may require surgery.
Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents. Neck pain, headaches, back pain, and dizziness are some of the common symptoms of whiplash. You should seek medical attention immediately if any of these symptoms develop.
You may have a head injury, such as a concussion, or suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBIs can cause permanent disability and have a critical impact on your quality of life and ability to work or perform routine activities. A prompt diagnosis is crucial to ensure you receive the medical care you need.
It’s essential to take even minor injuries seriously. You may think a sprain isn’t as severe as a fracture, but you may need physical therapy to manage the pain and restore function. Many people don’t have medical insurance to cover the costs of seeing several medical professionals, including physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, or audiologists. Physical therapists can help patients with sprains, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, and whiplash. Occupational therapists may work with individuals who’ve suffered a TBI, broken hand or arm, or sprained wrist. Speech pathologists can help people with traumatic brain injuries regain speech. Audiologists diagnose and treat hearing loss. It would be best if you had a clear understanding of the extent of your injuries and the medical care you need to ensure you can fight for compensation for those medical services.
Talk to a personal injury attorney.
Personal injury lawyers are legal experts who specialize in representing clients who’ve been injured in an accident. Whether you were in a motorcycle accident or a multiple-vehicle crash, your attorney represents your interests. Most attorneys offer an initial free consultation, which means you can develop a clear idea about how strong your legal case is before hiring a lawyer. It’s a good idea to talk to an attorney right away because they can advise you of the steps you can take to protect your rights and start building a case.
Your lawyer may be able to negotiate a better settlement with your insurance company. Your lawyer may also be able to ensure you receive adequate compensation for your expenses and medical bills.
Personal injury lawyers are also familiar with the benefits their clients may be eligible to receive. Your lawyer can help you prepare applications for short-term or permanent disability benefits, as well as other benefit programs.
You must take your pain seriously and receive immediate medical attention. Complete all tests to ensure you receive a comprehensive diagnosis and get the medical care you need following your accident. You should also talk to your insurance company and an attorney and take appropriate steps to protect your legal rights after your accident.